John Dunham Apps

Calorie Calculator 1.0
John Dunham
Calorie Calculator is a health &fitnessapp for anyone who loves wellness. Whether you want to keeptrackof your daily calories intake, maintain a healthy diet andbeinformed about the meals you eat every day, Calorie Counterwillhelp you take care of your health.The core feature of Calorie Calculator is to help peoplemaintainand lose weight by providing a comprehensive caloriecalculator andnutritional analysis.The primary features of this app will include;• Daily diet assistant will keep track of all the meals consumedbyuser, the calories in the meals, how many calorie user needstoconsume, how much calorie they have burned throughexercises.• A dynamic calorie calculator that will calculate calories ofeachmeal / food item entered into the app. Users will be able tosubmitthe meal/food item details either by text input or by voiceinput.The calorie calculator will be complemented by a vastdatabase ofnutritional information that will instantly inform userabout thenutritional values of the food they have consumed and howthatintake affects their daily diet.• The goals and achievements section will let user set goals toloseweight or maintain a stable diet plan. The goals will workcloselywith the progress tracker to keep user updated about howfar they’vereached their goal regularly.• Progress Tracker will keep track of all the caloriesinput,additionally take into account the calories burnt inexercises andprovide progressive analysis on user’s progress everyday.